
If you find yourself in need of services, this is a great place to start. Whether it is emergency counseling, legal consultation, identity theft, this EAP has quite a few options that members have found very useful.
Board Docs
If you want to search policy and procedure, check on the next school board meeting, or search Board Docs, this is a useful tool to determine your rights as an employee.

Salary Navigation
If you are wanting to better understand your pay and benefits on Qmlativ here is a video tour of how to do that.
TPEP Professional Learning
WEA TPEP is now available. Includes the new student growth goal rubrics as well as other TPEP updates. While both new and previous rubrics can be used both this year and next year, the new rubrics will be required in 2024-2025.
Check out the links for dates and registration.